› Cupcake Christmas Tree

Cupcake Christmas Tree

A cupcake Christmas Tree is so easy to assemble and it looks so effective. It is great to take to a Christmas party and it's also ideal to give as a gift.

Each small cup cake Christmas Tree only needs seven cupcakes so a batch of cupcake mixture will make several trees! I will give the quantities for this size. You can do the math and work out how many cupcakes you will need if you want to make a larger tree (11, 16, 22 etc).

All you need:

  • seven cupcakes
  • glace frosting
  • cachous

Divide the frosting into two bowls, one larger bowl and one smaller bowl. Tint the larger bowl green for the leaves and tint the smaller bowl brown or black. I always think it is easier to add cocoa and make chocolate frosting. I have never been happy with tinting frosting black - it never seems to turn out the way I want.

Frost one cupcake with brown frosting and this will be the tree trunk. Frost the remaining cupcakes green and place in tree pattern, as pictured.

Decorate the Christmas cupcakes with cachous or other candies, as desired.

› Cupcake Christmas Tree

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