Rich Chocolate Mud Cupcakes

by Kat


I recently tried your rich chocolate mud cupcake recipe and it was great - turned out perfectly. I then changed it a little and used white chocolate and raspberry. Again, it worked perfectly. The next time I used the recipe exactly the same way with all the same ingredients. They kept sinking in the middle and would not rise. I tried 3 or 4 batches. Out of those 1 batch turned out OK but not like the first ones. Is there any reason why they would sink like that when I did everything the same way? I can not seem to get them right now and it is a shame as the were delicious.

Hi Kat

Thanks for your question.

My guess would be that there is too much mixture for each cupcake. If there is too much mixture the center is not cooked through within the time frame. This means that it will collapse when it goes cold.

The cupcakes are ready when a skewer inserted in the middle comes out clean or with moist crumbs attached (no gooey mixture).

Mudcakes tend to not rise very much. I would adjust your cooking time a little and cook a few minutes longer.

If this doesn't work you could substitute the flour with an equal share of self-raising and plain flour.

I hope this helps.

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